Business Industry Foundation of Middlesex County
The Business/Industry Foundation of Middlesex County is a 501 (c) (3) foundation affiliated with the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce
The Business/Industry Foundation of Middlesex County conducts educational seminars, mentoring and youth employment programs and other employment related programs to benefit businesses and residents of Middlesex County.
Officers/Committee Members
Chairwoman: Teresa Opalacz, Guilmartin, DiPiro & Sokolowski, LLC
Vice Chairman: Anthony Salvatore, Town of Cromwell
President: Darlene Briggs, Cominfortainment, Inc.
Vice President: Jay Polke, Campo Realty
Treasurer: Rick Morin, Guilmartin, DiPiro & Sokolowski, LLC
Assistant Treasurer: Teresa Opalacz, Guilmartin, DiPiro & Sokolowski, LLC
Secretary: Johanna Bond, Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce
Assistant Secretary: Kelly Smith, KGS Insurance
Diane Arnold, Essex Savings Bank
Lynn Baldoni - Kiwanis Club of Middletown
Harry Burr, Brown & Brown of CT d/b/a McCutcheon Burr & Sons
Bob Fusari - Real Estate Service of CT
Lakisha Hyatt - Connecticut Valley Hospital
Maryellen Shuckerow - St. Vincent de Paul Middletown
Stephen Vaughan - Liberty Bank
Gary Wallace, Community Health Center
The Professional Training & Development Program has evolved over the years to continue to meet the employment needs of our 1,980+ member companies. Our focus is to bring the latest in technology, soft skills assessment and personal growth to each participant in our program while giving them the tools to obtain employment. These programs are FREE to the public, and are designed to provide individuals with the necessary skills to compete in today's demanding workforce and to increase productivity while at work.